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Accessing and Using Digitized and Interactive Tasks
Post date: Friday, December 23, 2022 - 13:38

Thanks in part to the work of participants in a Job Creation Partnership (JCP) sponsored by Literacy Link South Central in 2021-2022, many of the tasks on QUILL's Task-based Activities (TBA) Portal have been digitized as Google Docs or fillable PDFs, and uploaded to the portal for online use with learners. QUILL has also replaced its 20 original, interactive, digital tasks with flash-free versions. We encourage you to check them out. 

For ease of use, QUILL has created a spreadsheet containing names of, and links to, all of the digitized tasks. QUILL will continue to add to this spreadsheet as more digitized sets become available. You can find that spreadsheet here: Digitized TBAs Chart

Additionally, QUILL has created five videos to help practitioners understand how to download, save, and use tasks from the portal with learners. A special shout out to Lisa McArthur of The Literacy Group for her help with this project. Links to these videos can be found within the spreadsheet or below:

  1. Introducing Digitized Activities on The Task-Based Activities Portal
  2. Creating a Google Drive Library for your TBA Google Forms
  3. Copying TBA Google Forms Correctly
  4. Sending Google Forms to Learners
  5. Managing Learner Responses in TBA Google Forms
Browse the activities by GOAL PATH and/or LEVEL or use the search option to find the most appropriate resources for your students.


Task-Based Activities for LBS is a collection of activities aligned to the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF) and organized by stream, goal path and level. This fully searchable database provides task-based activities (available in Microsoft Word and PDF) to help you support your students in achieving their goals.