Medicine Label

Medicine Label

Average: 4 (1 vote)
Commentaires: 1
Description de l'activité

Read a detailed medicine label


to interpret directions and correct dosage as a nanny, babysitter or Personal Support Worker.


SkillPlan, “TOWES Measure Up: Cough Medicine”,

Matériels (en option):
  •  Medicine Label Document
  • Pencil
  • Scrap paper for calculations
Voie de transition:
Employment, Independence
Source / Author:
Practitioner submitted - QUILL Project - Teaching to Build Tasks
Date d'ajout:
27 Avril 2014
Date de mise à jour: 3 Juin 2015 - 3:06pm

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Votre note : 4

I suggest a re-look at answer to second part of task 5. ... switching from 6 hour intervals to 8 hour intervals is fine, but switch from teaspones to tablespoons is not wise and the 2/3 is not confusing and not appropriate in my humble opinionI appreciate the modules in general,John

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I am helping a literacy student meet a milestone plan that includes reading Forms, charts, schedules ...and Wellington List and Employment Life checklist tasks. 

Posted by: John Carroll
Date de publication: 12 Février 2021 - 4:20pm