Series and Parallel Circuits |
Interpret diagrams of circuits and make calculations.
Note: This task assumes some prior knowledge of circuitry and calculations used in electrical work.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage |
READYSeriesAndParallelCircuits_EA_A2.2_C3.3_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLESeriesAndParallelCircuits_EA_A2.2_C3.3_practitionercopy.pdf |
2 Avril 2014 |
Take an Online Course (includes skill building activities) |
Use the internet to search, locate, register for and complete an online course through E-Channel, specifically ACE Distance.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires |
Takeanonlinecourse_EAPS_D3.doc |
Takeanonlinecourse_EAPS_D3.pdf |
23 Mai 2015 |
Technical Service Bulletins |
Understand how to use the internet to search a database to locate and use information related to technical service bulletins.
Formation en apprentissage |
TechnicalServiceBulletins_A_A1.1_A2.2_B2.2_B2.3_D2.doc |
TechnicalServiceBulletins_A_A1.1_A2.2_B2.2_B2.3_D2.pdf |
6 Mars 2014 |
Trade Exploration |
The learner will research information on the Internet to help them choose a trade to explore further.
From LLSC Apprenticeship Curriculum - find it at
Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
TradeExploration_ASSPS_A1.2_B3.1a_D.1_practitioner.docx |
TradeExploration_ASSPS_A1.2_B3.1a_D.1_practitioner.pdf |
7 Juin 2015 |
Understand and Locate Plumbing Information |
Understand and locate information about various plumbing parts.
Formation en apprentissage |
HouseholdPlumbingPipes_A_A1.2_B2.2_D.2.docx |
HouseholdPlumbingPipes_A_A1.2_B2.2_D.2.pdf |
2 Avril 2014 |
Understand V-Belts and Calculate Sizes |
Understand information about V-belts and calculating their length.
Formation en apprentissage |
UnderstandV-BeltsandCalculateSizes_A_A1.2_A1.3_A2.2_B2.2_C3.2_D.2.docx |
UnderstandV-BeltsandCalculateSizes_A_A1.2_A1.3_A2.2_B2.2_C3.2_D.2.pdf |
10 Avril 2014 |
Understanding and Identifying Hydraulic Power Systems |
Understand and identify parts and uses of the Hydraulic Power System.
Formation en apprentissage |
UnderstandingandIdentifyingHydraulicPowerSystems_A_A1.2_A1.3_B2.2_D.2.docx |
UnderstandingandIdentifyingHydraulicPowerSystems_A_A1.2_A1.3_B2.2_D.2.pdf |
2 Avril 2014 |
Understanding the Syllabus |
Read and understand a college course syllabus.
Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires |
UnderstandingtheSyllabus_AP_A1.2_A2.2_B2.2_D.2.doc |
UnderstandingtheSyllabus_AP_A1.2_A2.2_B2.2_D.2.pdf |
27 Avril 2014 |
Use a Database for Researching Employment Information |
Use a job search database to research employment information.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
UseADatabaseForResearchingEmployment_EASP_A1.2_A2.2_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEUseADatabaseForResearchingEmployment_EASP_A1.2_A2.2_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
22 Avril 2014 |
Using a Google Calendar |
Review instructions for using Google Calendar to input events and appointments.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYUsingGoogleCalendar_EASPI_A1.2_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
READYUsingGoogleCalendar_EASPI_A1.2_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
22 Août 2013 |