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Write a response to an advice column question. Many Secondary School credits require the writing of opinion-related work.
Goal Path: Secondary School Credit
Word File:

PDF - Practitioner's Version:

Date Added: Wednesday, February 27, 2013
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In this task the learner is required to answer comprehension questions using his/her own words and then write an opinion paper.
Goal Path: Postsecondary, Secondary School Credit
PDF - Practitioner's Version:
Newspaper ArticleTask_SP_A1.2+A1.3+A2.2+B2.1+B2.3.pdf

Date Added: Sunday, March 10, 2013
Comments: 0
Students enrolled in secondary and post-secondary programs have to write essays as part of the curriculum. In this task learners will research the Seven Grandfather Teachings and write an essay about...
Goal Path: Postsecondary, Secondary School Credit
PDF - Practitioner's Version:

Date Added: Tuesday, July 23, 2013