Créer un mot de passe vraiment sûr
Créer un mot de passe vraiment sûr
Les personnes apprenantes doivent créer un mot de passe pour assumer la sécurité de leur compte de courriel personnel ou professionnel.
- Article Mon Journal(volume 67) : Créer un mot de passe vraiment sûr
- Ordinateur
- Internet
- Tableau
Competency D: Use Digital Technology
Level: 2
At this level, learners: Perform well-defined, multi-step digital tasks
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Selects and follows appropriate steps to complete tasks
- Locates and recognizes functions and commands
- Makes low-level inferences to interpret icons and text
- Begins to identify sources and evaluate information
- Performs simple searches using keywords (e.g. Internet, software help menu)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is clearly defined
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic)
- Requires multiple steps to complete
- Requires the use of a limited range of features and options
- May be completed in more than one way; each way has a set procedure
- Uses a simple format
- Contains text, icons, or both
- Text and icons required to complete tasks are easy to interpret
- May contain distracting information
- Interface offers a variety of options through menus
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – D.2
Competency E: Manage Learning
Level: 2
At this level, learners: Set realistic short- and long-term goals, use a limited number of learning strategies, and monitor own learning
Performance Descriptors for the learner:
- Demonstrates positive attitude to learning
- Accepts positive feedback and constructive criticism
- Recognizes and expresses when one does not know something
- Accepts new learning challenges
- Willing to work independently
- Takes responsibility for learning
- Takes initiative
- Takes risks in learning situations
- Manages time (e.g. makes realistic estimates about time, meets deadlines, completes activities and tasks in a logical order)
- Attends class regularly and punctually
- Checks accuracy of work
Goal Setting:
The learner:
- Sets realistic short- and long-term goals
- Identifies steps required to achieve goals
- Monitors progress towards achieving goals
- Identifies barriers to achieving goals
- Begins to adjust goals, activities, and timelines to address obstacles to achieving goals
Learning Strategies:
The learner:
- Uses a limited number of learning strategies (e.g. takes notes, organizes learning materials)
- Identifies ways to remember information and reinforce learning
- Sequences activities in multi-step tasks
Monitoring Learning:
The learner:
- Monitors own learning
- Begins to adapt to instructional approaches and learning materials that do not reflect preferred learning style
- Begins to identify how skills and strategies can transfer to different contexts
- Identifies multiple sources of information to complete tasks
- Evaluates own performance using established criteria and tools (e.g. checklist, rubrics)
- Begins to identify ways to improve performance
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – E.2