Identify peak production periods by interpreting a line graph
Identify peak production periods by interpreting a line graph
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Activity Description
Read a line graph to compare same store Tim Horton’s sales in Canada and the US over time
Materials (optional):
•Pen or Pencil
•The learner should have a knowledge of line graphs
Word File:
InterpretaLineGraph_SSPS_C4.2.doc — Never downloaded

PDF - Practitioner's Version:
InterpretaLineGraph_SSPS_C4.2.pdf — Never downloaded

Goal Path:
Competency: C. Understand and Use Numbers
C4. Manage data
C4.2 Make low-level inferences to organize, make summary calculations and represent data
Competency C: Understand and Use Numbers
Task Group C4: Manage data
Level: 2
At this level, learners: Make low-level inferences to organize, make summary calculations, and represent data
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Calculates using numbers expressed as whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages, and integers
- Understands and uses ratio and proportion
- Makes estimates
- Finds ranges for data sets
- Calculates averages (mean) and percentages
- Identifies medians and modes
- Collects, organizes, and represents data using simple tables and graphs
- Interprets rates (e.g. crime rates) and ratios (e.g. shots–on-net to goals)
- Interprets, represents, and converts values using whole numbers, decimals, percentages, ratios, and simple, common fractions (e.g. ½, ¼)
- Chooses and performs required operation(s); may make inferences to identify required operation(s)
- Selects appropriate steps to solutions
- Recognizes patterns and begins to identify trends in data (e.g. population, crime, demographic, inventory, injury)
- Uses strategies to check accuracy (e.g. estimating, using a calculator, repeating a calculation, using the reverse operation)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is clearly defined
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. context, content)
- Requires the use of rates, or requires two or more operations, where operations are easily inferred
- Requires up to a few steps to complete
- May be completed in more than one way
- May involve one document (e.g. simple table, simple bar graph)
- May require calculating percentages
- May require converting between whole numbers, decimals, fractions, ratios, and percentages
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – C4.2
Date Added:
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Updated date: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 - 09:25
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