Reading Food Labels to Review Ingredients
Reading Food Labels to Review Ingredients
Read food labels to review ingredients of sandwich meat at the deli counter.
- Pen and paper
- Deli meat ingredient labels (attached)

A1. Read continuous text
Competency A: Find and Use Information
Task Group A1: Read continuous text
Level: 2
At this level, learners: Read texts to locate and connect ideas and information
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
• Makes connections between sentences and between paragraphs in a single text
• Scans text to locate information
• Locates multiple pieces of information in simple texts
• Reads more complex texts to locate a single piece of information
• Makes low-level inferences
• Follows the main events of descriptive, narrative, and informational texts
• Obtains information from detailed reading
• Begins to identify sources and evaluate information
Task Descriptors
• Scope of task is clearly defined
• Involves one text
• Is one paragraph or longer
• May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic)
Text types:
instructional, descriptive, narrative, and informational texts
- Letters
- Emails
- Notices
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario - A1.2
A2. Interpret documents
Competency A: Find and Use Information
Task Group A2: Interpret documents
Level: 2
At this level, learners: Interpret simple documents to locate and connect information
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Performs limited searches using one or two search criteria
- Extracts information from tables and forms
- Locates information in simple graphs and maps
- Uses layout to locate information
- Makes connections between parts of documents
- Makes low-level inferences
- Begins to identify sources and evaluate information
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is clearly defined
- Involves one document
- Uses a simple format
- Displays a limited amount of information
- Is typically up to one page in length
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic)
- Documents at this level may contain a paragraph or more of text
- Forms
- Tables
- Simple graphs
- Street maps
- Simple flow charts
- Floor plans
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – A2.2