Stimuler sa créativité
Stimuler sa créativité
Les personnes apprenantes doivent trouver des utilités pour divers objets dans le but de stimuler leurcréativité.
- Cahier de travail personnel

B1. Interact with others
Competency B: Communicate Ideas and Information
Task Group B1: Interact with others
Level: 2
At this level, learners: Initiate and maintain interactions with one or more persons to discuss, explain, or exchange information and opinions
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Shows an awareness of factors that affect interactions, such as differences in opinions and ideas, and social, linguistic, and cultural differences
- Demonstrates some ability to use tone appropriately
- Uses strategies to maintain communication, such as encouraging responses from others and asking questions
- Speaks or signs clearly in a focused and organized way
- Rephrases to confirm or increase understanding
- Uses and interprets non-verbal cues (e.g. body language, facial expressions, gestures)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is clearly defined
- Involves one or more persons
- Can vary in length
- Addresses a familiar or unfamiliar audience
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic)
- Has a clear, well-defined purpose
- Is informal
Interaction Types:
- Share ideas and information
- Exchange opinions
- Explain and discuss ideas
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – B1.2
Competency F: Engage With Others
The following performance descriptors are not organized by levels; however, descriptors have been provided because they are indicators of learners’ readiness to make successful transitions.
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Understands one’s role; seeks clarification as required
- Recognizes roles of others
- Acknowledges/identifies responsibilities
- Accepts one’s share of responsibilities
- Acknowledges and accepts others’ perspectives
- Adapts behaviour to the demands of the situation
- Shows an awareness of group dynamics
- Meets group expectations (e.g. is prepared to participate, meets deadlines)
- Demonstrates tolerance and flexibility
- Demonstrates a willingness to help others
- Makes contributions that take into account one’s strengths and limitations
Conflict Resolution:
The learner:
- Recognizes areas of agreement and disagreement
- Identifies options for resolving disagreements
- Contributes to finding a mutually agreeable resolution
- Takes actions to resolve the conflict
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – F