Write a Short Note for your Tutor
Write a Short Note for your Tutor
Write a short note to exchange information with a tutor.
- Pen/pencil and paper and/or digital device

A1. Read continuous text
Competency A: Find and use Information
Task group A1: Read continuous text
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Read brief texts to locate specific details
Performance Descriptors
(Please note that not all might apply)
The learner:
• Decodes words and makes meaning of sentences in a single text
• Reads short texts to locate a single piece of information
• Follows the sequence of events in straightforward chronological texts
• Follows simple, straightforward instructional texts
• Identifies the main idea in brief texts
• Requires support to identify sources and to evaluate and integrate information
Task Descriptors
(Please note that not all might apply)
• Scope of task is limited
• Involves one text
• Is up to one paragraph in length
• Contains common, familiar vocabulary
• Has a familiar context
• Addresses concrete, day-to-day topics
• Has a highly explicit purpose
Text Types:
Instructional, descriptive, narrative, and brief informational texts
• Notes
• Simple directions
• Instructions
• Brief emails
• Simple narratives
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario - A1.1
B2. Write continuous text
Competency B: Communicate Ideas and Information
Task Group B2: Write continuous text
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Write brief texts to convey simple ideas and factual information
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Writes simple texts to request, remind, or inform
- Conveys simple ideas and factual information
- Demonstrates a limited understanding of sequence
- Uses sentence structure, upper and lower case, and basic punctuation
- Uses highly familiar vocabulary
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is limited
- Addresses concrete, day-to-day topics
- Addresses a small, familiar audience
- Is informal
- Is up to a paragraph in length
- Has a familiar context
- Has a highly explicit purpose
Text types:
instructional, descriptive, narrative, and brief informational texts
- Notes
- Brief emails
- Directions
- Instructions
- Text messages
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – B2.1
Competency E: Manage Learning
Level: 2
At this level, learners: Set realistic short- and long-term goals, use a limited number of learning strategies, and monitor own learning
Performance Descriptors for the learner:
- Demonstrates positive attitude to learning
- Accepts positive feedback and constructive criticism
- Recognizes and expresses when one does not know something
- Accepts new learning challenges
- Willing to work independently
- Takes responsibility for learning
- Takes initiative
- Takes risks in learning situations
- Manages time (e.g. makes realistic estimates about time, meets deadlines, completes activities and tasks in a logical order)
- Attends class regularly and punctually
- Checks accuracy of work
Goal Setting:
The learner:
- Sets realistic short- and long-term goals
- Identifies steps required to achieve goals
- Monitors progress towards achieving goals
- Identifies barriers to achieving goals
- Begins to adjust goals, activities, and timelines to address obstacles to achieving goals
Learning Strategies:
The learner:
- Uses a limited number of learning strategies (e.g. takes notes, organizes learning materials)
- Identifies ways to remember information and reinforce learning
- Sequences activities in multi-step tasks
Monitoring Learning:
The learner:
- Monitors own learning
- Begins to adapt to instructional approaches and learning materials that do not reflect preferred learning style
- Begins to identify how skills and strategies can transfer to different contexts
- Identifies multiple sources of information to complete tasks
- Evaluates own performance using established criteria and tools (e.g. checklist, rubrics)
- Begins to identify ways to improve performance
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – E.2
Competency F: Engage With Others
The following performance descriptors are not organized by levels; however, descriptors have been provided because they are indicators of learners’ readiness to make successful transitions.
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Understands one’s role; seeks clarification as required
- Recognizes roles of others
- Acknowledges/identifies responsibilities
- Accepts one’s share of responsibilities
- Acknowledges and accepts others’ perspectives
- Adapts behaviour to the demands of the situation
- Shows an awareness of group dynamics
- Meets group expectations (e.g. is prepared to participate, meets deadlines)
- Demonstrates tolerance and flexibility
- Demonstrates a willingness to help others
- Makes contributions that take into account one’s strengths and limitations
Conflict Resolution:
The learner:
- Recognizes areas of agreement and disagreement
- Identifies options for resolving disagreements
- Contributes to finding a mutually agreeable resolution
- Takes actions to resolve the conflict
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – F