Requesting Funds from OW for Special Circumstances

Requesting Funds from OW for Special Circumstances

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Description de l'activité

Ontario Works recipients sometimes have to request additional one-time funding for special circumstances like buying dress pants for a funeral or winter boots for their children. These requests are usually made over the phone to a case worker. It is important to have proper phone skills and to be organized before making the request. This task requires the learner to write a script and practice phoning a case worker to make a fund request for special circumstances.

Matériels (en option):
  • Procedure for Requesting One-time Funds sheet
  • Walmart flyer ad – attached (if you choose to use an actual flyer, adjust the questions accordingly)
  • Phone Etiquette tip sheet
  • Pen or pencil
  • Task sheet
  • Voie de transition:
    Source / Author:
    Date d'ajout:
    15 Mars 2013
    Date de mise à jour: 3 Juin 2015 - 3:05pm

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