Planification d’une fête d’anniversaire
Planification d’une fête d’anniversaire
Les apprenants complèterons une liste d’anniversaires de leurs membres de famille, leurs amis et ensuite, ils planifieront une fête d’anniversaire pour une personne sur la liste
- Questions des tâches et feuille de réponses
- Un crayon ou un stylo

B1. Interact with others
Competency B: Communicate Ideas and Information
Task Group B1: Interact with others
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Participate in brief interactions to exchange information with one other person
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Conveys information on familiar topics
- Shows an awareness of factors such as social, linguistic, and cultural differences that affect interactions in brief exchanges with others
- Chooses appropriate language in exchanges with clearly defined purposes
- Participates in short, simple exchanges
- Gives short, straightforward instructions or directions
- Speaks or signs clearly in a focused and organized way
- Repeats or questions to confirm understanding
- Uses and interprets non-verbal cues (e.g. body language, facial expressions, gestures)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is limited
- Involves one other person
- Is brief
- Addresses a familiar audience
- Contains concrete and familiar content
- Has a highly explicit purpose
- Is informal
Interaction Types:
- Exchange information
- Give instructions
- Provide directions
- State preferences
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – B1.1
B2. Write continuous text
Competency B: Communicate Ideas and Information
Task Group B2: Write continuous text
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Write brief texts to convey simple ideas and factual information
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Writes simple texts to request, remind, or inform
- Conveys simple ideas and factual information
- Demonstrates a limited understanding of sequence
- Uses sentence structure, upper and lower case, and basic punctuation
- Uses highly familiar vocabulary
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is limited
- Addresses concrete, day-to-day topics
- Addresses a small, familiar audience
- Is informal
- Is up to a paragraph in length
- Has a familiar context
- Has a highly explicit purpose
Text types:
instructional, descriptive, narrative, and brief informational texts
- Notes
- Brief emails
- Directions
- Instructions
- Text messages
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – B2.1
B3. Complete and create documents
Competency B: Communicate Ideas and Information
Task Group B3: Complete and create documents
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Make straightforward entries to complete very simple documents
Performance Descriptors
To complete documents, the learner:
- Makes a direct match between what is requested and what is entered
- Makes entries using familiar vocabulary
To create documents, the learner:
- Follows conventions to display information in lists, labels, simple forms, signs (e.g. images support the message, text is legible)
- Organizes lists to suit purpose (e.g. chronologically, alphabetically, numerically, sequentially)
- Includes titles where required
- Uses labels and headings to organize content
- Presents text and numbers below one or more headings in lists
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is limited
- Involves one document up to a page in length
- Has a very simple format
- Requires few entries
- Contains clearly labeled entry fields
- Entries require common, familiar vocabulary
- Has a familiar context
- Addresses concrete, day-to-day topics
- Has a highly explicit purpose
- Documents at this level may require entering up to one paragraph of text
- Lists
- Labels
- Simple forms
- Cheques
- Signs
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – B3.1