Browse classified listings online and in newspapers to search for used furniture
Browse classified listings online and in newspapers to search for used furniture
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Activity Description
The learner will browse through classified advertisements to search for a used couch.
Materials (optional):
- Pen, paper
- Attached classified listings
Word File:
Browseclassifedlistings_I_A2.3.doc — Never downloaded

PDF - Practitioner's Version:
Browseclassifedlistings_I_A2.3.pdf — Never downloaded

Google Form:
Goal Path:
Competency: A. Find and Use Information
A2. Interpret documents
A2.3 Interpret somewhat complex documents to connect, evaluate and integrate information
Competency A: Find and Use Information
Task Group A2: Interpret documents
Level: 3
At this level, learners:
Interpret somewhat complex documents to connect, evaluate, and integrate information
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Performs complex searches using multiple search criteria
- Manages unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic) to complete tasks
- Integrates several pieces of information from documents
- Compares or contrasts information between two or more documents
- Uses layout to locate information
- Identifies the purpose and relevance of documents
- Begins to recognize bias in displays, such as graphs
- Makes inferences and draws conclusions from information displays
- Identifies sources, evaluates and integrates information
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task may not be clearly defined
- May involve more than one document
- Uses a somewhat complex format
- Displays many categories of information
- Contains sub-headings or subparts
- Can vary in length
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic)
- May contain specialized vocabulary
- Documents at this level may contain a paragraph or more of text
- Forms
- Tables
- Timelines
- Graphs
- Maps
- Flow charts
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – A2.3
Date Added:
Friday, February 27, 2015
Updated date: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 - 05:45
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