HVAC Air Conditioning Replacement Parts |
Search the internet to locate information about specific air conditioning parts.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage |
HVACAirConditioningReplacementParts_EA_A1.3_A2.1_B2.2_D2.doc |
HVACAirConditioningReplacementParts_EA_A1.3_A2.1_B2.2_D2.pdf |
1 Juin 2015 |
Hydronics Information for Plumbing |
Locate and understand information related to plumbing systems, such as Hydronics.
Formation en apprentissage |
HydronicsInformationforPlumbing_A_A1.2_A1.3_B1.1_B2.2_D.2.docx |
HydronicsInformationforPlumbing_A_A1.2_A1.3_B1.1_B2.2_D.2.pdf |
11 Avril 2014 |
Internet and Email Basics |
Send and receive an email with an attachment.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYInternetandEmailBasics_EASPI_A1.2_B1.1_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
READYInternetandEmailBasics_EASPI_A1.2_B1.1_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
3 Mars 2013 |
Interpret a Sectors and Trades Chart |
The learner will extract information from a chart of the sectors and trades in Ontario.
From LLSC Apprenticeship Curriculum - find it at http://www.llsc.on.ca/about-us/resources
Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
SectorandTradesChart_ASSPS_A2.2_B3.1a_practitioner.docx |
SectorandTradesChart_ASSPS_A2.2_B3.1a, Practitioner Copy.pdf |
7 Juin 2015 |
Interpret and Create Drawings |
Use a Legend to interpret electrical features on a blueprint, and to determine materials needed for a job.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage |
Interpret and Create Drawings_EA_A2.3_B3.2a_C4.1_practitionercopy.docx |
Interpret and Create Drawings_EA_A2.3_B3.2a_C4.1_practitionercopy.pdf |
20 Février 2025 |
Interpret Blueprints |
Carpenters interpret blueprints and other scale drawings.
Formation en apprentissage |
InterpretBlueprints_EA_A1.2_A2.2_A2.3_B2.2.doc |
InterpretBlueprints_EA_A1.2_A2.2_A2.3_B2.2.pdf |
6 Mars 2014 |
Interpret Electrical Measuring Equipment Readings |
Electricians use electrical measuring equipment to test systems and components. They use the readings to determine if a component needs to be replaced, if a system has been safely shut down (lock... |
Formation en apprentissage |
InterpretElectricalMeasuringEquipmentReadings_A_A1 3_A2 2_A3_B2 2_B2 3_C3 1_D 2.doc |
InterpretElectricalMeasuringEquipmentReadings_A_A1 3_A2 2_A3_B2 2_B2 3_C3 1_D 2.pdf |
12 Avril 2014 |
Interview Questions |
Read about and reflect on the types of questions often asked in interviews.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage |
InterviewQuestions_EA_A1.2_B2.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEInterviewQuestions_EA_A1.2_B2.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
11 Avril 2014 |
Investigate a Construction Trade |
The learner will review the list of construction trades and select a trade from that list. The learner will use apprenticesearch.com to find out more about that trade.
From LLSC Apprenticeship... |
Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
InvestigateConstructionTrade_ASSPS_A1.1_A2.1_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
InvestigateConstructionTrade_ASSPS_A1.1_A2.1_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
3 Juin 2015 |
Investigate a Trade in Foods |
The learner will review the list of food trades and select a trade from that list. The learner will use apprenticesearch.com to find out more about the trade.
From LLSC Apprenticeship Curriculum... |
Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
InvestigateFoodTrade_ASSPS_A1.1_A2.1_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
InvestigateFoodTrade_ASSPS_A1.1_A2.1_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
3 Juin 2015 |