Read Tools Flyer |
Read a sales flyer to find information about tools and calculate cost savings.
Formation en apprentissage |
Read Tools Flyer_A_A2.2_C1.1_Practitionercopy.docx |
Read Tools Flyer_A_A2.2_C1.1_Practitionerfillable.pdf |
20 Janvier 2025 |
Reading Blueprint Notes |
Carpenters read blueprint notes to find information about products, installation, processes, and other details to meet codes and engineering specifications. These notes may be unique to a structure... |
Formation en apprentissage |
ReadingBlueprintNotes_EA_A1.1_A1.2_A2.2_A2.3_B2.1_B2.2_C3.1.doc |
6 Mars 2014 |
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installation |
Understand how to use the internet to search, locate, and use information related to safe product installation.
Formation en apprentissage |
RefrigerationAirConditioningInstallation_A_A1.2_A2.3_B2.1_C4.1_D2_D3.doc |
RefrigerationAirConditioningInstallation_A_A1.2_A2.3_B2.1_C4.1_D2_D3.pdf |
8 Mai 2015 |
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic Career Exploration |
A learner, considering the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic Apprenticeship program, explores the skills of the trade. The learner may also use this information to decide which skills need... |
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études secondaires |
RefrigerationAirConditioningMechanic_Career_Exploration_EASS_A1.2_A2.2_B1.2_B3.2a_C4.1_D2_E1.doc |
RefrigerationAirConditioningMechanic_Career_Exploration_EASS_A1.2_A2.2_B1.2_B3.2a_C4.1_D2_E1.pdf |
1 Juin 2015 |
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Product Knowledge |
Understand how to use the internet to search a video-sharing website to locate and use information related to product knowledge.
Formation en apprentissage |
RefrigerationAirConditioningProductKnowledge_A_A3_B2.1_D2.doc |
RefrigerationAirConditioningProductKnowledge_A_A3_B2.1_D2.pdf |
1 Juin 2015 |
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Resources |
Search the internet to locate resources related to HVAC.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage |
RefrigerationandAirConditioningResources_EA_A1.2_A2.2_B2.1_D2.doc |
RefrigerationandAirConditioningResources_EA_A1.2_A2.2_B2.1_D2.pdf |
1 Juin 2015 |
Researching Different Occupations |
Research information about an occupation to learn about the skills needed to perform job duties.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires |
ResearchingDifferentOccupations_EAP_A1.2_B2.1_B3.1a_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEResearchingDifferentOccupations_EAP_A1.2_B2.1_B3.1a_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
5 Juin 2014 |
Self Assessment for Managing Learning |
Complete a self-assessment and identify possible areas for improvement.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
SelfAssessmentToManageLearning_EASPI_E.1_practitionercopy.docx |
SelfAssessmentToManageLearning_EASPI_E.1_practitionercopyPDF.pdf |
13 Février 2025 |
Soup Recipe for a Restaurant |
Calculate new quantities of ingredients required when changing the size of a soup recipe.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Autonomie |
READYSoupRecipe_EAI_A2.1_C2.1_C3.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLESoupRecipe_EAI_A2.1_C2.1_C3.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
3 Juin 2015 |
Technical Service Bulletins |
Understand how to use the internet to search a database to locate and use information related to technical service bulletins.
Formation en apprentissage |
TechnicalServiceBulletins_A_A1.1_A2.2_B2.2_B2.3_D2.doc |
TechnicalServiceBulletins_A_A1.1_A2.2_B2.2_B2.3_D2.pdf |
6 Mars 2014 |