In this task set, a learner is asked to fill in a Hotel Room Repair Card. Repair Cards are left in hotel rooms so that guests can report any repairs that are needed in rooms. This task is in the...
Goal Path: Emploi, Autonomie
Date Added: 21 Avril 2013
In this task set, a learner is asked to complete a Volunteer Application Form in order to volunteer with a local agency.
Goal Path: Autonomie
Date Added: 23 Juillet 2013
Based on written information and vebal accounts of an accident, complete an Accident Report. Three different scenarios are given within this task.
Goal Path: Emploi, Formation en apprentissage
Date Added: 2 Mars 2013
Create and save a document in a word processing program (e.g. Microsoft Word or Google Docs)
Goal Path: Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie
Date Added: 15 Mars 2013
Read a contract between a contractor and an owner.
Goal Path: Emploi, Formation en apprentissage
Date Added: 27 Avril 2014
This task involves finding and applying information taken from a Contact North brochure.
Goal Path: Études postsecondaires
Date Added: 12 Mai 2014
Calculate and compare yields in ingredients cooks would use in a recipe. Calculate conversions.
Goal Path: Formation en apprentissage
Date Added: 6 Mars 2014
Count out tip money, write down the total and calculate the amount to be given to the bus person and kichen staff.
Goal Path: Emploi, Autonomie
Date Added: 28 Février 2013
Complete a weekly schedule based on courses for a college semester and coordinate the class schedule with bus schedules.
Goal Path: Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études secondaires
Date Added: 23 Mai 2014
Planning ahead by making lists and budget makes it easier to organize a household. In this task the learner will make a grocery list and budget using store flyers.
Goal Path: Autonomie
Date Added: 23 Juillet 2013