Road Safety Recall Database |
Understand how to use the internet to search a database to locate and use information related to vehicle recalls.
Formation en apprentissage |
RoadSafetyRecallDatabase_A_A2.2_B2.3_D2.doc |
RoadSafetyRecallDatabase_A_A2.2_B2.3_D2.pdf |
6 Mars 2014 |
Roofing Estimator |
Use a roofing estimator to find information to calculate the amount of roofing supplies to order.
Formation en apprentissage |
Roofing Estimator_A_A2.3_C3.3_practitionercopy.docx |
Roofing Estimator_A_A2.3_C3.3_practitionerfillable.pdf |
20 Janvier 2025 |
Roofing Warranty Facts |
Read a document to learn about types of shingles and roofing warranties.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage |
Roofing Warranty Facts_EA_A2.2_A2.3_practitionercopy.docx |
Roofing Warranty Facts_EA_A2.2_A2.3_practitionerfillable.pdf |
20 Janvier 2025 |
Saving Money |
The learner will research three ways to save money and write a paragraph or more about each.
Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
SavingMoney_SPI_A1.3_A2.2_B2.3_D2.doc |
SavingMoney_SPI_A1.3_A2.2_B2.3_D2.pdf |
22 Août 2013 |
Series and Parallel Circuits |
Interpret diagrams of circuits and make calculations.
Note: This task assumes some prior knowledge of circuitry and calculations used in electrical work.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage |
READYSeriesAndParallelCircuits_EA_A2.2_C3.3_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLESeriesAndParallelCircuits_EA_A2.2_C3.3_practitionercopy.pdf |
2 Avril 2014 |
Smoking Flyer |
Read a smoking flyer, answer questions and write a letter to convince someone to stop smoking. Persuasive writing is used in secondary school essays, and letters to editors and others.
Études secondaires, Autonomie |
SmokingFlyer_SI_A1.2_A2.2_B2.3.doc |
SmokingFlyer_SI_A1.2_A2.2_B2.3.pdf |
15 Mars 2013 |
Solve everyday problems involving fractions |
Learners will use real-life word problems involving calculations using fractions.
Emploi, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
EverydayFractions_ESI_A1.1_C1.2_C1.3_C2.2_C3.1_C3.2_C4.1_C4.2_E.1.doc |
EverydayFractions_ESI_A1.1_C1.2_C1.3_C2.2_C3.1_C3.2_C4.1_C4.2_E.1.pdf |
15 Juillet 2013 |
Solve real-life problems using fractions |
Solving problems using fractions.
Études secondaires, Autonomie |
12 Juin 2013 |
Taking Point Form Notes from Written Material |
The learner will read an article and take point form notes.
Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
PointFormNotesFromWrittenMaterial_SP_A1.1_A1.2_A1.3_B2.2_B3.2a_B3.2b_B3.3b.doc |
PointFormNotesFromWrittenMaterial_SP_A1.1_A1.2_A1.3_B2.2_B3.2a_B3.2b_B3.3b.pdf |
27 Avril 2014 |
Technical Service Bulletins |
Understand how to use the internet to search a database to locate and use information related to technical service bulletins.
Formation en apprentissage |
TechnicalServiceBulletins_A_A1.1_A2.2_B2.2_B2.3_D2.doc |
TechnicalServiceBulletins_A_A1.1_A2.2_B2.2_B2.3_D2.pdf |
6 Mars 2014 |