Choosing Library Books for Preschoolers |
Read an article and answer questions about selecting books for young children.
Emploi, Autonomie |
READYChoosingLibraryBooksForPreschoolers_EI_A1.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEChoosingLibraryBooksForPreschoolers_EI_A1.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
13 Mars 2025 |
Misinformation and Disinformation Online |
Watch a video to answer questions about how to identify and respond to misleading informaiton online.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYMisinformationAndDisinformationOnline_EASPI_A3_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEMisinformationAndDisinformationOnline_EASPI_A3_practitionercopy.pdf |
8 Mars 2025 |
Resolving Conflicts |
Resolving conflicts through discussions
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYResolvingConflicts_EASPI_F_practitionercopy.docx |
READYResolvingConflicts_EASPI_F_practitionercopy.pdf |
12 Mai 2015 |
Understanding Income Tax Videos - Segment 1 |
View videos on why you need to complete an income tax form if you are employed and an overview of the forms, process and penalties.
Emploi, Autonomie |
IncomeTaxVideosA_E_A3.1_A3.2.doc |
IncomeTaxVideosA_E_A3.1_A3.2.pdf |
14 Mai 2014 |
Understanding Income Tax Videos - Segment 2 |
View videos on why you need to complete an income tax form if you are employed and an overview of the forms, process and penalties.
Emploi, Autonomie |
IncomeTaxVideosB_E_A3.1_A3.2.doc |
IncomeTaxVideosB_E_A3.1_A3.2.pdf |
14 Mai 2014 |
Understanding Income Tax Videos - Segment 3 |
View videos on why you need to complete an income tax form if you are employed and an overview of the forms, process and penalties.
Emploi, Autonomie |
IncomeTaxVideosC_E_A3.1_A3.2.doc |
IncomeTaxVideosC_E_A3.1_A3.2.pdf |
14 Mai 2014 |
Understanding Income Tax Videos - Segment 4 |
View videos on why you need to complete an income tax form if you are employed and an overview of the forms, process and penalties.
Emploi, Autonomie |
IncomeTaxVideosD_E_A3.1_A3.2_A3.3.doc |
IncomeTaxVideosD_E_A3.1_A3.2_A3.3.pdf |
14 Mai 2014 |
Understanding Income Tax Videos - Segment 5 |
View videos on why you need to complete an income tax form if you are employed and an overview of the forms, process and penalties.
Emploi, Autonomie |
IncomeTaxVideosE_E_A3.1_A3.2.doc |
IncomeTaxVideosE_E_A3.1_A3.2.pdf |
14 Mai 2014 |
Understanding Income Tax Videos - Segment 6 |
View videos on why you need to complete an income tax form if you are employed and an overview of the forms, process and penalties.
Emploi, Autonomie |
IncomeTaxVideosF_EI_A3.2.doc |
IncomeTaxVideosF_EI_A3.2.pdf |
14 Mai 2014 |
What it Means to be a Volunteer |
Watch a video about Red Cross disaster response teams to identify the purpose and intended audience.
Emploi, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYWhatItMeansToBeAVolunteer_ESPI_A3_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEWhatItMeansToBeAVolunteer_ESPI_A3_practitionercopy.pdf |
5 Mai 2015 |