Measurement of an L-Shaped Room |
Calculate the materials needed to renovate a "L" shaped living and dining room.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Autonomie |
READYMeasurementOfLShapedRoom_EAI_A2.2_C1.3_C3.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEMeasurementOfLShapedRoom_EAI_A2.2_C1.3_C3.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
10 Mars 2013 |
Misinformation and Disinformation Online |
Watch a video to answer questions about how to identify and respond to misleading informaiton online.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYMisinformationAndDisinformationOnline_EASPI_A3_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEMisinformationAndDisinformationOnline_EASPI_A3_practitionercopy.pdf |
8 Mars 2025 |
Organize Digital Files into a Folder |
Learner will organize digital files into a folder.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYOrganizeDigitalFiles_EASPI_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
READYOrganizeDigitalFiles_EASPI_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
23 Mai 2015 |
Plan One's Day |
Plan one's day by sequencing activities in a daily agenda.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYPlanOnesDay_EASPI_B3.2a_C2.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEPlanOnesDay_EASPI_B3.2a_C2.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
8 Mai 2015 |
Re-establish an Inoperative Internet Connection |
Read information online to gain understanding of how to troubleshoot and re-establish an internet connection.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYReestablishInternetConnection_EASPI_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEReestablishInternetConnection_EASPI_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
21 Mai 2015 |
Read Instructions on a Cleaning Product Label |
Learner will locate information in cleaning product instructions
Use this digitized, interactive version:
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Autonomie |
Cleaningproductinstructions_EAI_A1.1.doc |
Cleaningproductinstructions_EAI_A1.1.pdf |
14 Janvier 2015 |
Resolving Conflicts |
Resolving conflicts through discussions
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYResolvingConflicts_EASPI_F_practitionercopy.docx |
READYResolvingConflicts_EASPI_F_practitionercopy.pdf |
12 Mai 2015 |
Self Assessment for Managing Learning |
Complete a self-assessment and identify possible areas for improvement.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
SelfAssessmentToManageLearning_EASPI_E.1_practitionercopy.docx |
SelfAssessmentToManageLearning_EASPI_E.1_practitionercopyPDF.pdf |
13 Février 2025 |
Send and Receive an Email (includes skill building activities) |
Learner will send an email to themselves and receive it.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYSendandReceiveEmail_EASPI_D2_practitionercopy.docx |
READYSendandReceiveEmail_EASPI_D2_practitionercopy.pdf |
23 Mai 2015 |
Soup Recipe for a Restaurant |
Calculate new quantities of ingredients required when changing the size of a soup recipe.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Autonomie |
READYSoupRecipe_EAI_A2.1_C2.1_C3.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLESoupRecipe_EAI_A2.1_C2.1_C3.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
3 Juin 2015 |