Complete a self-assessment to help determine a career exploration choice |
The learner will complete a short self-assessment about a particular trade group to determine if a career in that trade group might be suitable. They will add up the results and use the total to... |
Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
ExploreApprenticeshipSelfAssessment_ASSPS_B1.2_B3.1a_C4.1.doc |
ExploreApprenticeshipSelfAssessment_ASSPS_B1.2_B3.1a_C4.1.pdf |
3 Juin 2015 |
Computers - Word Processing |
Create and save a document in a word processing program (e.g. Microsoft Word or Google Docs)
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
ComputersWordProcessing_EASPI_B3.1a_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
ComputersWordProcessing_EASPI_B3.1a_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
15 Mars 2013 |
Create a Schedule |
Complete a weekly schedule based on courses for a college semester and coordinate the class schedule with bus schedules.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études secondaires |
READYCreateASchedule_EAP_A2.2_B3.2a_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLECreateASchedule_EAP_A2.2_B3.2a_practitionercopy.pdf |
23 Mai 2014 |
Exploring Career Possibilities |
Explore one or more online quizzes to help assess interests, abilities and preferred work activities.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
ExploringCareerPossibilities_EASP_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEExploringCareerPossibilities_EASP_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
26 Février 2025 |
Exploring Your Personality |
This task introduces three online quizzes that can help assess thinking styles, learning styles and workplace values.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
ExploringYourPersonality_EASP_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEExploringYourPersonality_EASP_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
19 Février 2025 |
Finding and Calculating Working Load Limits |
Understanding how to calculate Working Load Limits for rope, using formulas. Using the internet to locate information related to rope strength.
Formation en apprentissage, Études secondaires |
FindingandCalculatingWorkingLoadLimitsforMillwrights_AS_A2.2_B2.1_C3.3_D.2.docx |
FindingandCalculatingWorkingLoadLimitsforMillwrights_AS_A2.2_B2.1_C3.3_D.2.pdf |
2 Avril 2014 |
Hours Offered in a Class |
The learner will calculate the number of hours a class is offered in a week.
Try this digitized, interactive version:
Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
Hours offered_ASSPS_C2.1.doc.docx |
Hours offered_ASSPS_C2.1.pdf |
19 Janvier 2015 |
Internet and Email Basics |
Send and receive an email with an attachment.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYInternetandEmailBasics_EASPI_A1.2_B1.1_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
READYInternetandEmailBasics_EASPI_A1.2_B1.1_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
3 Mars 2013 |
Interpret a Sectors and Trades Chart |
The learner will extract information from a chart of the sectors and trades in Ontario.
From LLSC Apprenticeship Curriculum - find it at
Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
SectorandTradesChart_ASSPS_A2.2_B3.1a_practitioner.docx |
SectorandTradesChart_ASSPS_A2.2_B3.1a, Practitioner Copy.pdf |
7 Juin 2015 |
Investigate a Construction Trade |
The learner will review the list of construction trades and select a trade from that list. The learner will use to find out more about that trade.
From LLSC Apprenticeship... |
Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
InvestigateConstructionTrade_ASSPS_A1.1_A2.1_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
InvestigateConstructionTrade_ASSPS_A1.1_A2.1_B2.1_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
3 Juin 2015 |