Manage Your Learning |
To create a manageable, personal tool that will help the learner identify their goals, learning goals, barriers and possible ways to overcome them while also achieving an end, a big picture goal.
Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
Manage_Learning_SSPS_E3.docx |
Manage_Learning_SSPS_E3.pdf |
21 Mai 2015 |
Misinformation and Disinformation Online |
Watch a video to answer questions about how to identify and respond to misleading informaiton online.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYMisinformationAndDisinformationOnline_EASPI_A3_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEMisinformationAndDisinformationOnline_EASPI_A3_practitionercopy.pdf |
8 Mars 2025 |
Monthly Budget for Training |
Calculate a budget and use a spreadsheet program.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires |
READYMonthlyBudgetforTraining_EAP_A1.2_B3.2_C1.3_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
READYMonthlyBudgetforTraining_EAP_A1.2_B3.2_C1.3_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
17 Juin 2014 |
Navigate College Ontario Website |
Adults interested in attending post-secondary school need to research different schools to make the most informed decisions when applying. In this task the learner will navigate the |
Études postsecondaires |
NavigateCollegeOntarioWebsite_P_A1.1_A1.2_A1.3_D.2.doc |
NavigateCollegeOntarioWebsite_P_A1.1_A1.2_A1.3_D.2.pdf |
21 Janvier 2014 |
Newspaper Article |
In this task the learner is required to answer comprehension questions using his/her own words and then write an opinion paper.
Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
Newspaper ArticleTask_SP_A1.2_A1.3_PracCopy.docx |
Newspaper ArticleTask_SP_A1.2_A1.3__PracCopy.pdf |
10 Mars 2013 |
Newspaper Editorial: Ban Pesticides to Save Bees |
Learner will read a current newspaper editorial and will then answer content-based and vocabulary questions. Learner will then write a basic letter to the editor on a controversial topic.
Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
NewspaperEditorial_SP_A1.1_A1.2_B2.1_B2.2_B2.3_D.2.doc |
NewspaperEditorial_SP_A1.1_A1.2_B2.1_B2.2_B2.3_D.2.pdf |
27 Avril 2014 |
Organize Digital Files into a Folder |
Learner will organize digital files into a folder.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYOrganizeDigitalFiles_EASPI_D.2_practitionercopy.docx |
READYOrganizeDigitalFiles_EASPI_D.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
23 Mai 2015 |
Plan One's Day |
Plan one's day by sequencing activities in a daily agenda.
Emploi, Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires, Autonomie |
READYPlanOnesDay_EASPI_B3.2a_C2.2_practitionercopy.docx |
FILLABLEPlanOnesDay_EASPI_B3.2a_C2.2_practitionercopy.pdf |
8 Mai 2015 |
Planning a Trip from London to Toronto’s Pearson International Airport |
Learners will use a trip itinerary produced on Google Maps and make multiple calculations associated with a trip to Toronto.
Études postsecondaires |
PlanningaTripfromLondontoToronto_P_A1.2_A2.3_C2.2_C3.3.doc |
PlanningaTripfromLondontoToronto_P_A1.2_A2.3_C2.2_C3.3.pdf |
18 Décembre 2014 |
Pre-Admission Testing Sample Questions – Fractions, Decimals and Percents |
The learner will answer questions on fractions, decimals and percents from a college mathematics pre-admission sample test used to prepare students for a post-secondary mature applicant test.
Formation en apprentissage, Études postsecondaires, Études secondaires |
PreAdmissionsFractionsDecimalsPercents_ASP_A1.1_B3.1a_C1.2_C3.2_C4.2.docx |
PreAdmissionsFractionsDecimalsPercents_ASP_A1.1_B3.1a_C1.2_C3.2_C4.2.pdf |
14 Mai 2014 |